Processing projects

16 km east of Gazimursky Zavod, Gazimuro-Zavodsky District, Zabaykalsky Region
Project overview
The Bystrinsky GOK construction project is made up of an open-pit mine at the Bystrinskoye deposit; a mining and processing plant (MPP) with all associated infrastructure, including a power line and the 227 km Borzya–Gazimursky Zavod railway line; as well as a rotation camp. Construction of the open-pit mine and the MPP started in 2013. In 2017, a 220 kV power line was commissioned and a camp for 1,047 people was built. Hot commissioning of the MPP started in October 2017. The MPP came online in December 2019. The project is expected to ramp up to design capacity by 2021.
Project timeline
- CAPEX – RUB 6.7 bn (USD 103 mln)
- Mining of 7.5 mln t of ore and production of 43.5 kt of copper concentrate, 177 koz of gold concentrate, and 1.3 mln t of iron ore concentrate. EBITDA – USD 349 mln
- The MPP is expected to reach design capacity with the following annual concentrate volumes: Cu – 55–65 kt; Au – 220–240 koz; Fe3О4 (Fe – 66%) – 1.5–1.7 mln t

Norilsk Industrial District, Krasnoyarsk Region
Project overview
The Talnakh Concentrator (Polar Division) processes rich, cuprous, and disseminated ores from the Oktyabrskoye and Talnakhskoye deposits to produce nickel-pyrrhotite and copper concentrates. In 2019, the plant processed 10.7 mln t of ore, with nickel recovery in bulk concentrate reaching 85.9% (+2.7% y-o-y).
3rd Stage project timeline
- CAPEX – RUB 424 mln (USD 7 mln)
- Inspection of the construction site and completion of preparatory work
- Development of design documentation completed
- Approval from the Main Department of State Expertise received and construction permit secured
- Completion of preparatory work in the main building of Talnakh Concentrator
- Development of engineering documents
- Construction and installation works
- Equipment delivery
- Pre-commissioning
- Commissioning
- Ramping up to design capacity

Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region
Project overview
The tankhouse 2 upgrade will create a highly effective nickel cathode production unit, harnessing the technology of nickel electrowinning from chlorine dissolved tube furnace nickel powder, which will help increase output of nickel cathodes from 120 ktpa to 145 ktpa. The new technology will help achieve the highest purity of metal and reduce air emissions. In 2020–2021, the project’s CAPEX will total RUB 2.9 bn (USD 43.4 mln).
Project timeline
- CAPEX – RUB 4.8 bn (USD 74.5 mln)
- Refurbishment of electrowinning cells – the project reaches 98% completion
- Pre-commissioning and ramping up to design capacity