Mineral resources and Ore Reserves

Measured and indicated recoures / proven and probable resorves as of December 31, 2019 Data regarding the mineral resources and ore reserves of the deposits of the Taimyr and Kola peninsulas were classified according to the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC code), created by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, and the Minerals Council of Australia, subject to the terminology recommended by the Russian Code for Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, Mineral Reserves (NAEN Code). Proven and probable ore reserves are included in mineral resources. Data regarding the reserves and resources is based on the balance-sheet reserves of A, B, С1 and С2, categories (according to the terminology of the State Committee for Mineral Reserves) as of the end of the given calendar year. The six platinum group metals (PGMs) are platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium, and iridium. The four elements are platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold. Ore losses applied ranged from 1.6% to 26% and dilution from 6% to 31.9%. Excluding deposits in Zabaykalsky Region. Figures given as "Total" from the sum of individual numbers due to rounding. Certain values may in some instances vary slightly from previously published values. Ore kt Metal grade Contained metal
Ni% Cu% Pd g/t Pt g/t Au g/t 6 PGM g/t Ni kt Cu kt Pd koz Pt koz Au koz 6 PGM koz
Taimyr Peninsula
Proven and probable reserves 672,815 0.92 1.72 4.19 1.11 0.24 5.55 6,176 11,598 90,585 23,967 5,200 119,987
Proven reserves
Talnakh ore field, including 321,482 0.79 1.53 3.78 1.02 0.23 5.00 2,539 4,906 39,038 10,508 2,330 51,705
rich 50,946 2.52 3.12 6.25 1.29 0.25 7.92 1,285 1,589 10,235 2,114 409 12,965
cuprous 17,118 0.96 3.88 9.48 2.29 0.63 11.91 164 665 5,216 1,261 348 6,553
disseminated 253,418 0.43 1.05 2.90 0.88 0.19 3.95 1,090 2,652 23,587 7,133 1,573 32,187
Norilsk-1 deposit (disseminated ore) 20,156 0.35 0.50 3.88 1.57 0.17 5.73 71 101 2,513 1,019 111 3,710
Probable reserves
Talnakh ore field, including 309,474 1.13 2.10 4.63 1.13 0.26 6.05 3,505 6,512 46,041 11,232 2,625 60,149
rich 78,140 2.91 3.96 7.15 1.40 0.25 9.06 2,271 3,094 17,951 3,525 625 22,757
cuprous 61,096 0.75 3.15 7.06 1.84 0.51 9.12 456 1,923 13,858 3,618 1,008 17,914
disseminated 170,238 0.46 0.88 2.60 0.75 0.18 3.56 778 1,495 14,232 4,089 992 19,478
Norilsk-1 deposit (disseminated ore) 21,703 0.28 0.36 4.29 1.73 0.19 6.34 61 79 2,993 1,208 134 4,423
Measured and indicated resources 1,698,853 0.69 1.30 3.53 1.00 0.21 4.74 11,778 22,167 193,056 54,456 11,428 259,157
Talnakh ore field, including 1,553,511 0.73 1.39 3.52 0.96 0.21 4.68 11,349 21,618 175,939 47,775 10,715 233,986
rich 111,927 3.24 4.26 7.98 1.60 0.29 10.12 3,624 4,772 28,722 5,746 1,054 36,401
cuprous 66,249 0.97 4.03 9.23 2.36 0.66 11.85 640 2,669 19,666 5,030 1,397 25,229
disseminated 1,375,335 0.52 1.03 2.88 0.84 0.19 3.90 7,085 14,177 127,551 36,999 8,264 172,356
Norilsk-1 deposit (disseminated ore) 145,342 0.30 0.38 3.66 1.43 0.15 5.39 429 549 17,117 6,681 713 25,171
Inferred resources 438,473 0.85 1.73 4.21 1.09 0.25 5.53 3,707 7,585 59,401 15,375 3,526 77,899
Talnakh ore field 437,405 0.85 1.73 4.22 1.09 0.25 5.52 3,704 7,582 59,274 15,325 3,522 77,632
Norilsk-1 deposit (disseminated ore) 1,068 0.28 0.28 3.69 1.46 0.13 7.78 3 3 127 50 4 267
Kola Peninsula (disseminated ore)
Proven and probable reserves 84,682 0.62 0.30 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.05 524 256 78 51 24 130
Proven ore reserves 43,231 0.58 0.25 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.05 250 107 40 29 12 70
Probable reserves 41,451 0.66 0.36 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.05 274 149 38 22 12 60
Measured and indicated resources 320,943 0.69 0.33 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.08 2,204 1,070 480 307 174 846
Inferred resources 143,625 0.63 0.31 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.07 905 446 184 121 60 320
Australia (Honeymoon Well)
Measured and indicated resources (nickel sulfide ores) 173,300 0.68 0 0 0 0 0 1,180 0 0 0 0 0
Inferred resources (nickel sulfide ores) 11,900 0.68 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 0
Inferred resources (nickel laterite ores) 339,000 0.81 0 0 0 0 0 2,746 0 0 0 0 0
Total proven and probable reserves 757,497 0.88 1.56 3.72 0.99 0.21 4.93 6,700 11,854 90,663 24,018 5,224 120,117
Total measured and indicated resources 2,019,796 0.69 1.15 2.98 0.84 0.18 4.00 13,982 23,237 193,536 54,763 11,602 260,003
Total inferred resources 582,098 0.79 1.38 3.18 0.83 0.19 4.18 4,612 8,031 59,585 15,496 3,586 78,219
Total proven and probable reserves 757,497 0.88 1.56 3.72 0.99 0.21 4.93 6,700 11,854 90,663 24,018 5,224 120,117
Total measured and indicated resources 2,193,096 0.69 1.06 2.74 0.78 0.16 3.69 15,162 23,237 193,536 54,763 11,602 260,003
Total inferred resources 932,998 0.80 0.86 1.99 0.52 0.12 2.61 7,439 8,031 59,585 15,496 3,586 78,219

as of June 30, 2019 The Company owns 50% of Nkomati. Nkomati's mineral reserves and resources are not included Group’s total amounts.
Ore kt Metal grade Contained metal
Ni% Cu% Co% 4PGM g/t Ni kt Cu kt Co kt 4 elements koz
South Africa (Nkomati)
Proven and probable reserves 7,580 0.29 0.11 0.02 0.90 22 8 1 219
Measured and indicated resources 172,670 0.35 0.14 0.02 0.94 602 236 32 5,214
Inferred resources 46,350 0.40 0.13 0.02 0.97 188 62 8 1,438