Measurement units and currencY exchange rates
Measurement units Length | Area | Weigth |
1 km | 0.6214 mi | 1 sq m | 10.7639 sq ft | 1 kg | 2.2046 lb |
1 m | 3.2808 ft | 1 sq km | 0.3861 sq mi | 1 metric tonne | 1,000 kg |
1 cm | 0.3937 in | 1 ha | 2.4710 acres | 1 short tonne | 907.18 kg |
1 mi | 1.609344 km | 1 sq ft | 0.09290304 sq m | 1 troy ounce | 31.1035 g |
1 foot | 0.3048 m | 1 sq m | 2.589988 sq km | 1 lb | 0.4535924 kg |
1 in | 2.54 cm | 1 acre | 0.4046873 ha | 1 g | 0.03215075 oz t |
Currency exchange rates in 2015–2019
Exchange rates used to translate the costs denominated in rouble
Index | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Average rate Russian Rouble / US Dollar for the year ended 31 December | 60.69 | 67.03 | 58.35 | 62.71 | 64.74 |